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FatBat Puerh

Liming 2007 "Early Spring Silver Pekoe (Zao Chun Yin Hao)" Raw Puerh

Liming 2007 "Early Spring Silver Pekoe (Zao Chun Yin Hao)" Raw Puerh

Regular price $5.70 USD
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Ideal clean and controlled Kunming storage, direct from the manufacturer's original warehouse. You will not find a more perfectly aged example of this tea.

One of the classic Liming blends, that cemented their success in the mid-2000s, winning a Gold award in the 2006 Guangzhou International Tea Expo. This is a masterclass in balance. Despite being unmistakably old-school Bulang in approach, the deep bitter/aniseed pungency is perfectly balanced with long-lasting sweetness and a beautiful honeyed aroma in the topnotes. Liquor is orange, lighter than expected for the age (from the Kunming storage) and extremely clean. Small 200g bud-heavy cakes, from very early spring picking.


This is a sheng we mainly recommend for old puerh teaheads, who will appreciate the complexity and old world approach this cake has to offer. Also suggest a sample if you're looking to learn about aged factory puerh. Price of this (together with the Light of Liming cakes) represents strong value, especially when evaluated against many mid-priced shengs in the past 5 or 7 years, which come nowhere near this level of refinement. 


We are making only a few cakes available as I only have one tong originally bought for private aging. It has been difficult to source a good example of this tea. We particularly like the storage on this one as it has preserved the character of the tea perfectly, unlike many Guangdong-stored examples with storage notes.

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