2012 Bai Ying Shan Raw Puerh
2012 Bai Ying Shan Raw Puerh
Private pressing from a Taiwanese producer, Shanghai stored.
Bai Ying Shan (White Warbler Mountain) is a less famous mountain in Lincang but has excellent ecological conditions. This cake is pressed from a mixed picking of medium aged to older trees (Da Shu/Big Trees) from an ecologically pristine garden. The benefit of selecting environmental conditions vs. purely tree age is very clear and resulted in this modestly priced production.
Fantastic value for a simple well-balanced, semi-aged daily drinker.
This tea has really proven its worth after repeated enjoyable sessions with a surprising richness and depth of flavor. Aroma of the wet leaf is robust, spiced fermented red fruit and musk. A balanced sugarcane/spiced citrus peel/pungent yellow floral profile, with zero bitterness and a slight mouth-coating, numbing pungency only if pushed. This is not a thin, high-pitched Lincang; it is bright tasting but has a robust backbone which stands up to aggressive brewing in later steeps.
The sole criticism of this tea would be a shorter and less complex aftertaste compared with more meticulously selected gushus, but the finish is intense and delicious, encouraging quick drinking. The qi is mild but clean, clear and quietly energizing.