Collection: FatBat Puerh Private Pressings

This is our own range of top tier pressings, aimed to showcase the highest possible expression of single-terroir puerh.

No effort has been spared, especially in the processing stages -- this is not hyperbole and you will see it in the clean, delineated taste profiles of our tea. 

These are very premium teas with a subtle and nuanced expression, which more experienced puerh drinkers may be better able to appreciate. If you need advice or more information on a tea, don't hesitate to contact us.


Our Tenets:

  • 100% transparency down to micro-region, tree-grade and picking time
  • Meticulous leaf processing with focus on purity and timing control
  • Unearth rare and under-represented tea gardens
  • Where possible, end-to-end control from picking to wrapping (we rarely source maocha from the open market)

Ripe Puerh

Experience richness and clarity.
Selected factory blends and our own small-batch, single origin pressings.

Discover Shou Puerh

Yixing Zisha Teaware

Explore Teaware